it's already 4 in the morning, but i still feel like blogging before i go to bed. the only reason i'm staying up this late is gaming. staring at the screen for a couple of hours really strain my eyes. especially in this bad lighting. many would just wonder, "gene, why don't you just switch on the light?". the answer is simple, i don't want my parents to know i'm gaming inside my room. might sound funny. i'm already 20, almost 21, and i'm still hiding my gaming habits behind my parents' backs.
if you think like that, than you dont know my parents. my dad is an all out extremist on me. yea, extremist. and yea, on me, only. to many other people, he's a gentle cuddly bear. but to me, he's a grizzly bear. everytime we engaged into an argument, i'm in high risk of being smash into pieces. my dad had high expectation for me, but most of the time, if not all the time, i disappoint him. anyway, i know he love me very much. been extremely supportive when i need him to as well! haha.. calling him an extremist fits after all.
and i fall in love again. this song 'Ai De Hao Lei' (Tired of Being in Love) by Jordan Chan keeps me addicted. even this very moment now, i'm listening to it. well, of course it's not a new song. i found this song while i'm diggin into old songs by various mandarin and cantonese artists. previously, i only listen to his 'Wo Ai De Ren' (The Person I Love) and i thought all his other songs were crap. i actually put him in the same category with Ah Niu, whom his songs can drive you banana. but only recently, i realise Jordan's work are much more than that. many of his song are really quite emotional, and that particular song that i fall in love with really sounds pitiful.
well, dont blame me for promoting an old song. i'm a banana, and i don’t really know many chinese songs anyway. i learn how to sing them through listening only. or maybe sometimes with the help of romanized lyrics. so seriously, don't blame me.
besides old songs, i'm diggin into some old mangas/comics. well, i'm a fan of Naruto, Bleach, Eyeshield 21 and D-Gray Man series, and read them every saturday prior to their scanlation release every weekend. i also catch up with gantz once every few weeks. but while i'd nothing to do while lepaking in my room this holiday, i downloaded a few episodes of a korean manga named "Island" which actually keeps me interested. unlike many korean manga, this manga is really neat. korean manga tends to have same thickness of lines all over the page: character, background, and even the lines that build the plot boxes. and korean male characters are always skinny tall, and the style is often to clean. but this is different. "Island" had a scratchy touch. i love the plot more than the style used anyway. the main plot is about slaying demons using different skills or magic, by different kind of shamans of different religions: buddhism, christianity, etc.
well, maybe if you're interested in downloading this manga i'm talkin about, here's a link:
but before you can start downloading, you'd to register at:
i know registering do sounds troublesome and leceh, but it's really worth it. if you dont like Island, there's at least a hundred of other comics to choose from!
well, i didn't expect myself to blog on stuffs like this anyway. haha.. promoting old manga and song. anyway, i'll keep bloggin actively this holiday! keep up with me, alright? until then, chiaoz!
the weird pondan i ever met in this blogger~