Sunday, March 9, 2008

oH hujHan!

my exam is finally over. and i'd like to shout like, "WHHOOAAaaaaahhhh!!! At last, it's over!". juz for dis sem tho. next sem starts next month. but heck, i'd a whole month to relax here. HERE = MELAKA. i missed melaka food the whole lot. and better, i love the sunny day round here.

it's not like there's no sun at shah alam. it's just that i rained too damn much. dis week alone, i'm trapped in the middle of the rain, like 3-4 times? i mean, come'on, 4 times in 7 days? wet and drippin as i enter my apartment's door and everyone looked at me with that kinda look dat says "hey? what happened to you? you bathe out there in the streets?". i just hate that. being wet, i just hate that.

i dun really remember whch specific day, but should be just a few days ago.. i was itching to explore. so i told aj lets go find that Jusco at Klang. the newer one and bukit tinggi? so with aj's EX5, we rode slowly. taking federal highway, and finally my great sense of direction gets us lost in the Klang town. boh pian. as the malay saying goes, "malu bertanya, sesat jalan". what to do? at that moment i memang sesat d. so memang kena tanya ady lo. i asked 1 motorcyclist at one of the traffic lights. he pointed a road right in front of me, and i missed it! then at the next traffic light, he saw me again. he volunteered to guide me to bukit bintang. never thought it would be that far away. and before he leave, he suddenly asked me which part of Melaka I'm from! he muz'd guess our origin by the plat number of aj's bike. he then told me he's a Malacan too. wanted to gave him some petrol money, but he rejected it. that malay guy is such a Good Samaritan. not to mentioned that it's drizzling already that moment he offered us his help. i wanted to thank that Abang here again! anyway, the point is, i went there to catch "Mist", in a "semi-wet" condition.

not bad enough? ok oh, what a bout having an exam at 8.30am, leaving my doorstep at 7.50am, just to be POURED down all of sudden, stop at petronas petrol station and called a taxi to go to my college? yea. and that examiner looked at me like "why are you drippin wet?". not to mentioned, that cab was late, thus i was late. by almost 20minutes. and i shivered until i finished that exam. that was like 2 and a half hour shivering in the examination room.

and the other day, i went dinner with aj, chanel and szemun. we rode motorbikes to Section 2. all because we were craving for satay. whahaha.. that satays were absolutely yummy! the rain were heavy too. duh. we were lucky it appened after the dinner. chanel and szemun had exam the next day, so in their attemp to act as hardworkin and responsible students, they brought their notes along. their notes eventually transformed into kiam chai and washed out. all for the addiction of satay. haha..

the worse of all? yesterday. i and aj planned to, you know, walk around, catch a movie and such? exam's finaly over. i just wanted to relax a lil. so, we planned to go sunway. since it's not too far away from my apartment. manatau that the clear sky can turned into darksky just within seconds and started pouring. and guess wat lucky thing we're just in time to hide under a tunnel for a good 20 minutes or so, before aj gets real wet. well, aj's safe. juz sleeves which were wet. for me whose sitting in front of her riding, i'm just not that lucky. i'm wet. not that bad kinda wet. just, you know, go to sunway after rain stop to get a cheap t-shirt. that kinda wet. oh gosh. i'm shivering in there, while watching "Fatal Move"!

the bottom line is, shah alam is a humid wet place. and, i'm so glad i'm in melaka.

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