Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i reaLLy haTe BaTs

I really fucking hate bats. I don't know why, but I think they're building a lair in my balcony or something. Like they'd no better place to go?! No matter what we do they keep coming back!

And damn them, for having their senses all screwed up and getting killed in our house! It's like they hate us so damn much they came on a kamikaze suicidal mission. How, you asked me? they crash themselves to the fan, and got their limbs or head chopped off. Then I'm the one to CLEAN UP THE MESS!

This bloody idiot got one of its wings chopped of by the fan.

Oh, I just fucking hate bats! (Especially those idiotic suicidal ones!)


  1. y u so respect them? call them mayat summor?

    they're BANGKAI!

  2. nah.. good wad. at least u gt job in the hse. hah! ;)


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