I read an article in TheStar Online today which i find funny. Two women engage into a cat fight and eventually the younger one of them two bite off the ear of the older woman. After she completed the extremely shocking stunt, the younger woman who was reported to be a business woman fled.
The business woman was in her 20s. The elder woman who lost her ear is in her 40s.
The reason of the cat fight?
Simple. The young woman dislike the elder woman because she always bring her mother for karaoke sessions.
I guess the One in a Million audition advertisements had somehow awakened the hidden talents of the aunties and the mak ciks in Malaysia. They wanted to practice I guess? Haha..
Maybe because the business women did not want her mum to emberassed herself in the national tv, she decided to confront the aunty who brought her mother for karaoke sessions. Things don't turned up too well, so she had no choice but to hold her prey by the neck and had her ear bitten off. The elder woman was left behind to find the missing part of her ear on the floor. Fortunate for her, she did find the bitten-off part and was rushed to a private clinic in Kota Baru. She was then referred to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia for doctors to re-attach the ear.
If I were the business woman, I would rather bite off the aunty's lips (eewww.. gross!! I wouldn't dare!). Because only by that, the aunty wont be able to attend any karaoke sessions anymore mar!
Besides, biting off people's ears off only means you wanted t follow Mike Tyson's footsteps: Destroying your own future! If you bite her lips, it will be a whole different story then. When the police questions you, you can tell them, "I just kiss her and her lips fell off!"

Make love, not war.
Peace Malaysian!
that pic is really gross...
ReplyDeleten well...
there are all kinds of ppl out there..
each weird and crazy in their own way!
making our world a less safe place to live in...
and the bad news is...
there's nothing we can do to change it..