Tuesday, July 12, 2011

21 minute blogging

Dear Sumire,

I've like 23 minutes more before I speed back to Shah Alam, for dinner, and for bed. So here's a super duper speedy blog update which I should've wrote since like 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I'd been lazy to update this blog lately. It was probably due to my emotional quality being pretty doomed this last few weeks. But anyhow, now I'm happy, I know what I want, and I won't jeopardize my own dreams.

Talking about having dreams, I had this weird dream this morning about how I crash into a man in red color tee shirt. Guess what? He rose up and plunged open my door and pulled me out of my car and try to pummel me. I got into a fight with him, but no matter how hard I punch, nothing landed on him. Well, him on me neither. But that's no dream. That's nightmare. What am I talking about here anyway.

Dreams! Yes, dreams. I dreamed that I would be a Graphic Designer one day, but that's a dream no more too. Currently I'm working as a Junior Graphic Designer at Leno Marketing Bhd, and I think I'd been here like 3 weeks now. It's my first REAL job so I really had a lot to learn.

If you asked me about how working life is like, I'll leave you with two alphabets. No, not F.U. lah. O.T.! I'm leaving office at 9p.m. sometimes. Sometimes later. Sometimes, Saturday and Sunday also I'd to come back to office to finish off whatever not. Unpaid O.T. plak tu!

Nah, I'm not complaining. I'm kinda used to it by now. Even my Bie stopped complaining about me coming home late now. Well, not stop as in stop entirely, but you know? Stop for the time being?

Now that I'm working Monday to Friday (and sometimes Saturday, or sometimes Sunday...) I don't even have much time for movies! Talking about movies. Oh my oh my.

Transformers 3? Sucked. Like seriously sucked big time. Okay, it was probably a little damn bit better then the second installment, but the second sequel sucked big time too alright. I don't get what TF 3 want to deliver at all. At all! The characters had no depth, and Optimus Prime chickens in his truck mode when he's pissed? Really? Sounds like a kid to me. Not very 'Prime' like huh? The only thing to applaud in this movie is the 3D technology. But hey, I saw that awesome trick in the first TF movie already. So, nothing really special about it.

And I watched Green Lantern too. I went in expecting to be disappointed, but I came out smiling. It was no good. But it wasn't all that bad neither. Maybe it's because I went in expecting to be disappointed as I mentioned earlier.

Well, I wished I could write more. But It's 6.13 now, and I want to leave this place at 6.15 sharp! (It's not like I'd the chance to do so all the time. So please, excuse me.) ;-P

That conclude my 21 minute blogging with all words sans picture. LOL

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